vodka is my new attraction but sooo not in the way you may think. it's purely experimental, which once again, is a wrong way to put it. i'm talking (pedicure on my food science-wise. ahh...enlightened?
i went to a party last night & not a youthful, invitation by card kind of party. more like the walk-in-unannounced & drink, smoke, dance & vomit kind. along with the trashy costumes. mix that all together. i'm growing up.
nah, honestly, it wasn't that bad at all & i even thought very little (more like nothing) big happened & plus, i came out alive & sober so that says something (not that i drunk). i'm not really expressing myself well...i think it's the alcohol.
anyway, it was afs italy's 18th b-day party; a total of about 25 kids from her
lycée, from italy (over for the weekend), the other afs italy & me. in the beginning i was like "OMG get me out of here. i don't want to stay here." when everyone is just so eager to get their hands on some alcohol, or sniff laughing gas or snort, i didn't know anyone except the other afs italy so...
but i ended up loosening up (alcohol? :S); i danced for hours & ate & drank & met so many new people, all of whom were super nice so i ended up having a great time. one girl vomited, which cause a scene cause it was inside the house & on the staircase to the basement (part was in the basement & garage; freezing btw) (& there was still a big chunk there this morning that they forgot to pick up :o) everyone smokes too. i'm not even exaggerating; EVERYONE. i can't think of one person at the party that i didn't see smoke except me, so there. we ate chips, pasta, pizza & drank, coke, juice, beer, rum & vodka. polish & russian. weird thing was we found a bottle of polish vodka in the freezer...frozen. now if you know anything about the properties of alcohol, it's that it doesn't freeze, especially not at 40%?! holy cow!!! what were we really drinking??? (me, sipping; two sips for SCIENTIFICALLY EXPERIMENTAL purposes; what a drink!!! it's water then it's like vaccination alcohol!! no wonder it's a disinfectant...)
so when the partying was over, half the ppl went home but HALF THE PEOPLE STAYED, most of whom didn't plan on staying, namely me, which made it hard to find a place to sleep. there are only so many rooms in a house. at first, i reserved a bed with other afs italy & we chatted & i learned some italian while ppl just fooled around (tired & drunk) & read an italian book on orgasms. i attempted reading italian in front of a bunch of italians who didn't laugh so good sign. plus, they were GORGEOUS. heck, everyone is gorgeous.
i, along with bday girl & 4 others stayed up til 5 in the morn (as always, i stay up til early next day; it's just the way a party?) & finally, i found nowhere to sleep so i fell asleep freezing in my costume (a sheer t-shirt with a skirt whose seam was ripped my my *ss...yup. i've learned that the thing i wanted the most was socks. now that was a
DESIRE. i was freaking freezing!!!) woke up disgusting; greasy, dirty, smelled like smoke & basically all partied out. good thing my house is a 2-minute drive away (stupid me; why didn't i ask for some pj delivery? ahh, i couldn't). when i got home, i changed into pjs, waxed (yes, AFTER a party that i wore a skirt to), showered, creamed & put my pjs back on. then i spent a good 2-3 hours going through all my
bordel in my room that accumulated during exam period & got rid of a lot of junk. feels good to be clean(ish) again. & in my own bed tonight. worked a few hours too & celebrated Chinese New Year whild watching Vancouver 2010. SO my night :p