
80. Where did I go?

Yeah, I disappeared for a while but I'm coming back...just, um, busy, that's all.

Since I last wrote, I've perfectly dissected a mouse to locate its couscous-sized ovaries, ate a big blog of shredded spinach (lawn, lol), saw Avatar in 3D, practically haven't slept, ruined my back, applied for university and haven't showered. Ok, yes, I've showered since I last wrote but let's just say I've been disgusting longer than I should have allowed...it's been about 52h...


If you're an optimist, you would say that they're the French equivalent to midterms. I'm an optimist but I say that they are sooooooo not the French equivalent to midterms, hence why I haven't slept in the past week. There's no such thing as a break; that's my lesson for the year.

Basically, it's a week of no classes. Yay? Not yay. Bac Blancs are NOT midterms because a) we're two thirds into the year & b) you literally have to learn the punctuation in your notes to pass. Or am I over-exaggerating? Oh yeah, & c) the minimum is 2h for a test bloc.

So yesterday, I had 3.5h of SVT (bio) & 4h of philosophy in the afternoon (Does conscience make me realize that I am free?). Please take note that that is 7.5h of straight up writing until you can't feel your fingers or your bum. Plus, my back hurts & sitting is my worst nightmare. & what's more is that in between, we get lunch, during which we...sit. ANYWAY, today was day 2: 2h of Espanol & 4h of Histoire/Géo that I didn't study for. For once in my life, I winged it...but actually not at all. Here's why:

I had no idea what I had to write about but managed to cough up over 5 pages of BS (note: French papers are longer & the lines are skinnier so have pity on me; please) then I had to draw a map of Asie Orientale (see above) & it turns out that I put Singapour in Malaysia, Hong Kong in Thailand, Taiwan in Burmania and completely neglected the dot on the map that was actually ALL of Singapour because I forgot that Singapour is only a TINY island (& yet number port in the world!) so I thought the dot was the capital of Singapour, which was actually Malaysia...comprendo? I also put Shenzhen in Hong Kong but honestly, the dot on the map was so large it could have been either...or both. Yeah...so since that was half the marks, I guess I have to rely on the pile of BS...I'm really embarassed but I least I know Asia better now!

(chant: 2-week vacation. 2-week vacation! 2-week vacation!!!!! 2-week vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO WEEK VA-CA-TIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!...TION...TIOn...TIon...Tion...tion...ti..)



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