
104. rash

(i'm really pissed cause my entire post just disappeared & i'm rewriting this from memory)

so i've broken out into my occasional rash in the past few days so i'm looking real dandy, or more like, splotchy...but life is good anyway. 4h of math breezed by. i LOVE math tests. it's all so damn logical. EVERYTHING is subjectively objective & i like it that way.

you know, i wrote 7.5 PAGES for my that philosophy dissertation answering the question: Est-il juste d'affirmer que l'activité technique dévalorise l'homme?, which translates to "Is it just to say that technique devalues man?" Real proud but let's see what it gives...

btw, if you've been following up on your current events, you probably know about the islandic volcano? well, the first thing i think of are the islandic AFS girls whom i met in france. hope their families are ok. & now, come to think of it, i remember that Sam from AFS canada went to Iceland...uh oh? or perhaps, why not live a natural disaster during your year abroad. in any case, the wind blew all the ashes towards russia & the rest of europe so apparently, Iceland is actually ok. but who knows? it's all the buzz in the past week. check out the énorme photographic spread on the tyranny.



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