
9. Bonjour!

IT'S HAPPENED. It has finally happened! My host mother wrote back to me! In fact, no, my entire host FAMILY wrote back to me! Yip! Yip! Yip!

She's got my lycée set up for me & I'm in classe internationale: section scientifique. Good stuff. :) I've got siblings, I've got pets, I've got parents. Heck, I'm even gonna be an aunt!!!!

It's so nice to hear from them & they're already so inviting. I feel so special. :P They're doing my room over the summer & they want me to choose a colour...I'm thinking blue but I'm not sure. It's only one year, so I'm thinking EPIC. Hot pink? Maybe another year...

Visa forms are coming along...Who knew it would be so long? Like I expected long, but now it's l-o-n-ggggg. (haha.) It's getting there though & the AFS people are soo helpful.

To do:
-get presents for my host family
-get my darn visa already?!
-up that Fund-raise-o-meter!



p.s. I'm totally enjoying summer & I'm actually checking things off my summer list! Tomorrow: Amusement Park I go with my favourite peeps...:) That's TWO things off my list, you know.

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