
10. Merde.

Man, this post was all good news until about 5min. ago...

(5min. ago...)
Merde!!!!!!!!!! The earliest appointment I can make with the French consulate is August 13. That gives them only 3 weeks to accept my request when it clearly states in the instructions: Le traitement de la demande prend environ 6 semaines après réception d'un dossier complet. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This is so bad. It's soooo bad. :( I'm gonna cry if I can't go. Like, actually.

N.B. I'm a good 8.5 weeks from my departure date. I really thought I was handling things well...:(

(5h ago...)
mom: I got your host family's portfolio!

That is right, mesdames & monsieurs, I've got actual pictures & more information on my family! Good stuff:

#1-NO one smokes (you can't imagine how happy I am about that)
#2-NO religion (I'm not against religion, I'm not atheist; I was just afraid of being forced to practice. I had a nightmare about it ~6 months ago...:S)
#3-INDOOR POOL (wow. really? i'm flabbergasted! it's totally the cherry on top :P)

Oh yeah, AND I get my own room for the first time in my life. Cool!

(soooooo nervous about my visa now :(...I'm so scared. I want to go so bad!!!)

(Console me. Anybody. Please.)



p.s. The more & more my trip abroad approaches, I more & more I realize how right the AFS camp leaders were to say, "Your friends won't care." They're right. It's true. They don't want to hear about it now, and they won't want to hear about it when I get back. I don't blame them cause I'm the one that's leaving but it's too bad that not even my closest friends really care that much...

p.p.s. I know, eh? The new header is BLOWIN' MY MIND too! :P

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