today is wednesday, which is also known as test day. the entire morning is dedicated to examinations & today, it was a 4h philosophy commentary. i love philo cause i can blab & let my mind go wild but i've never written nor read a commentary so i went in having no idea what the structure was supposed to be...well, i just winged it.
in my opinion, what i said was pretty good but i don't know if it's what they asked i ended it with a joke. lol. i don't know how well old-fashioned french teachers take stupid french jokes from anglophone exchange students...:S on vera.
anyway, i ended up writing enough but not having enough time to recopy everything, which sucks cause i think it was decent. so i handed in my scratched up brouillon which was written in pencil on that horrific french paper; possibly the worst combination for legibility but perhaps the french don't see the crazy lines anymore.
ok, now the pictures...i'll explain as i go along.
& B-DAY SHOUT-OUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to Mom, Willbilly & Anthony! (sry if i forgot anyone...:S)
last thing: the picture from post 43. was taken from the inside of the Cathédral de Notre-dame d'Amiens. candles were illuminated & placed along the floor so as to make paths.
i drink tea at least once a day here. & only with my favourite mug.

the rap my bro wrote for me. he makes me teary-eyed.
studying for my first math exam. don't get me started.
not low fat. high fat.
eat the blue ones last: an ocean apart.
french country. from here on, the pictures are from my afs weekend.

cabbage? not sure.

potato fields.
town hall SLASH school.
the church of a town of 120 ppl. we snuck in on the next day...there was no one inside. cree-py stuff. the church is surrounded by tombs. but my camera died.
i was there.

this was actually a really freaky part of town.

a cat getting comfy in the fields. (actually, the one in the next shot)
ah...this one. i was getting frustrated that my camera coudln't capture the vastness of the french countryside cause i wanted you to see what i saw so i decided to take a panoramic. that's to say that this "shot" is accurate in general idea but not in detail. hence the "appearing car". i purpose captured it in my middle shot to see what it would give...& voilà!
someone's garden vegetables.
note the colours of the cows.
(all these pictures are shown in chrono order(...see next shot))
the sky opens.
left-over potatoes: it's tradition for farmers to leave behind some of their spuds for the poor to pick up. i actually saw ppl take bags home although they're not necessarily poor.

in the cornfields.
out of the cornfields. (4 of the girls & our "tour guide")
a manor; last stop on the scavenger hunt.
this is the Cathédral de Notre-Dame d'Amiens, which is NOT THE Notre-Dame cathedral but it does have the longest um..."length?" in europe. (sry, i don't remember what it's called...)
illuminated saints. it's very neat cause on patrimonie weekend, which happens once a year, all cathedrals & such open their doors for public viewing for free. & here, what you see is carvings of the outside of the cathedral that have coloured light shone on them. notice the details in the lighting cause the cathedral is actually stone gray.
waiting in line for the cathedral tour; it's three of the girls & me.

the rap my bro wrote for me. he makes me teary-eyed.

i forgot to mention that i drank on cathedral night. nothing big but it was a cultural thing with the family that took us in for the weekend. at midnight, they decided to take us to this club/bar where i had a monaco, which is beer, lemonade & grenadine. i didn't really know how much i could take i drank it all & i went to bed at 2:00 a.m. i got up at 9:30 fine.
the following night, i got a massive headache...
from lack of sleep.
now i'm off to a trial dance & i think it's with advanced kids my age...i hope i don't crack. but what's another challenge?
Heyy! You pictures are wondafuulll :D I love them.
ReplyDeleteMy faves: Lola (awwwwww!), Th clearing clouds, The cornfield, and the first one, with the tea :)
Go see my blog. I update it a lot so it might be hard to keep up.
it's not little ting's...
i love you
they're called m AND m's here; like how we say it ;)
ReplyDeleteOhhh how cute :D
ReplyDeleteBtw Bou, how was dance?