
20. Random Ramble

it's been a few days & it's late so i just feel like rambling. it's gonna be long, i warn so buckle up!
  • recently, i've been thinking about how i may be the most un-opinionated person ever. hm...how should i say this? when it comes to politics, arguments, other people's opinions, etc., i rarely take sides because i believe in considering all sides of a situation, no matter. it's a very different approach, i know but it's cause for me, if someone believes something, then it must be "right" for them so how does that give anyone else the right to say that they're wrong? wow, i'm so bad at explaining this...anyway, somehow, i think it reflects in my calm, almost bland personality? well, i don't think i'm bland cause i'm actually insanely goofy but sometimes, goofy looks scary so i resort to calm, which is bland...maybe i'll go in depth another time...(oh yeah, i'm more passive than active meaning my attitude is, "go ahead life, give me what you've got" rather than "ugh, i want it MY way", not that ppl are spoiled or anything)
  • today was a good day. i saw all of my FAVOURITE FAVOURITE people & i got to do nothing with them. i genuinely appreciate doing nothing. it's wonderful! nothing is underestimated though, cause for me, its definition is laying on the soccer field chatting, feeling the breeze, listening to music, occasionally picking at the grass & doing random stuff with it. soaking in the sun, laughing, barefeet...i'm so darn appreciative. that's all it takes for me to be happy. honestly. just a good, solid dose of nothing.
  • my bestest friend is throwing me a going-away party! i'm really excited although all i really want is to spend a day like today with those people with a little bit of attention on me just to acknowledge my leaving. not a whole lot though...i don't exactly thrive on attention, you see. anyway, it's at a surprise location! i love surprises!!!! should be happening august 18.
  • i am absolutely ROCKING my summer list! it's amazing! here's the update:
    1.Do at least 50% of what's on this list... (CHECK!)
    2.Go to the Amusement Park. (woot!, CHECK!)
    3.Run 1.5 mile in 9.0min. (probs not...)
    4.Read 3 books. (i'm on my 3rd so...CHECK!)
    5.Go to a Fine Arts Exhibition. (not quite yet)
    6.Have at least 15 blog posts published. (CHECK!)
    7.Have a going-away party. *sniff* (coming soon...CHECK?)
    8.Go to the Animal Museum. (my wallet is dry so i can't but i'll go to the Ice Cream Parlour instead!)
    9.Watch Crocodile Dundee. (edit: Grey's Anatomy...CHECK!)
    10.See my peeps! (CH-CH-CH-CHECK!)
  • i feel like i'm completely neglecting my fund-raising :S it's just so hard to face! i pledge: i will do everything according to the schedule i made before i allow myself to go on that trip
  • i got my first [bt]log follower! her name's Lucie & i've no clue how she found me! hi Lucie!!! she's leaving september 3rd to France as well (i've decided to follow a few blogs meself since)
  • 2 weeks ago, i cut about 10in. of my hair & donated it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths to make wigs for people who have gone through chemo. i just thought it'd be nice to give someone else some happiness :) why not? i really like my short hair too!
  • yesterday, my mom, my sis & i went shopping mostly cause i want to get some stuff before departure. my goal was to get an mP3, walking shoes & hair elastics. i got none of those things. hehe. instead i bought 4 tops & a dress from Old Navy & Zara. wow, they're gorgeous! i'm so pumped!
hoping that the stuff in the dishwasher is dirty so i don't have to unload at this hour,




  1. hey [bt], it's lucie. didn't mean to freak you out. how i found you: Google. but i forget what i searched. sorry :(

    and really? i'm you're first follower? but you're interesting! you should follow some more america-france blogs, and then they'll follow you back (most of my blog's followers are fellow france bloggers).

    see you in france?

  2. oh my gosh this is so cool!! you think i'm interesting! :P that means a lot :)

    and now worries, you didn't freak me out. it's just that even i can't find myself on google!


  3. if there was a "like" button on blogspot, i'd hit it :)
