FUNKY CHEESE. There. I said it.
Here's my point: I like innovation & I like originality. So I thought, what better way to present myself to the blogging community than an utterly random phrase? "Funky cheese" was perfect. No matter what you may think.
And now begins my actual first web log...
So currently, I am still in the preparatory stages of my year trip to...France!!!. Otherwise known as: I haven't set foot in Europe quite just yet. That's ok, cause raising funds for my cultural experience is becoming quite an adventure in itself.
Simply put, it ain't easy asking for the required $5000. I can honestly say that I've invested over 150h into it thus far, which is A LOT. And it's funny cause I'm only at $3000 and my money's been due for 2 weeks now...oh my! Also, that leaves only 100h of fundraising left. Woot.
Yeah, there's sarcasm there. But I meant to state it with enthusiasm as well. See, some of the AFS kids' parents just straight up pay the $5000, even though they ask you to FUNDRAISE it. Completely different. Completely. All I've got to say is that all the time & energy I've put into begging for donations has taught me organization, leadership & even a little courage to ask for *gulp*...$.
OK. So this [bt]log...I'll be using it to document my AFS experience from now until around this time 2010. (oof, a decade in already?) This will be my first attempt at cyberspace. No, I don't have fb. No, I don't have Myspace. And no, I don't have anything of the likes. So take it easy on me. I'm learning as I go along. Certainly, interaction must be different on the Internet, non?

I'll be in France for 10 months, to be exact. Where? I haven't the slightest clue...yet. I wait impatiently for that exciting information. I desperately want to meet (on paper) my family, my region/town/village, my school, etc. Come September, I'll be attending grade 12 (lycée: terminale) in an attempt to complete the highly acclaimed French Baccalaureat. Oh boy...
One blogging hint I picked up in my research: keep it short.
I shall end this post here.
Sweet dreams. <3
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